Choose the Right Footage Fabric for Your Project

 As I told you above, the "real" Asian fabrics are in useful width between 108 and 112cm. It is therefore sometimes necessary to recalculate the length needed for your project even if more and more pattern brands are doing the job of offering the necessary lengths in 140 and 110cm wide.

Note that it is now possible to find Asia-inspired patterned fabrics 140cm wide. However, even if the patterns resemble traditional Asian fabrics, these are higher quality fabrics mostly from knitted fabric manufacturers all over the world.

To help you calculate your lengths, I have made this very useful little table (which I use myself regularly). Note that this is valid up to approximately size 44 and that this is only an approximation.

Another technique is to take the heights. For example, if you want to make a simple blouse in Asian cotton, you count:

a height in front
back height
one sleeve height

For example for a top: front height 60cm + back height 60cm + sleeve height 30cm = 1.3m of fabric for my blouse.

Here is a small overview of Asian fabrics, do you like it? Tell me in the comments, it always makes me super happy to read you!

And if you want to know more or chat with me, don't hesitate to stop by the boutique workshop, I will be delighted to share my passion with you.



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